
This page is dedicated to my Familiar - Salem.

(Want your own FREE Familiar?  Visit the Weatherwax Familiars page)


Animals can bring something to ritual that can be lacking in the Witch alone, a different perspective, a different way of experiencing the energies conjured.  In ritual an animal can also be used to facilitate to forging of links to supernatural forces.  Cats in particular are thought to be able to detect the presence of ghosts and spirits and it is their recognition of these entities that can help them manifest more discernibly for the Witch in ritual or spellcasting.

Some animals can be a distraction and it's worth noting that untrained animals will often barge into a Circle during ritual and drain or disturb the power.  Sometimes if you are meditating in Circle and go very still or 'trancelike', an animal can become confused, and attempt to 'bring you back' by jumping on you or licking you.

Training animals to work with you in ritual requires different approaches for different creatures.  For example, a dog needs to be generally well-trained and behaved as they exude vibrant energy which can be marvellous for building power but it can also be unfocused.  Cats, snakes and birds are generally calmer and more psychic.  

When training your familiar it's important to be calm and patient, but friendly and spontaneous.  Be prepared for silly mistakes, like when your dog gets over-excited and knocks over the bowl of herbs, or when your cat gets spooked and leaps onto the altar knocking everything over.  However, also be prepared for your animal to teach you - keep your mind open.  Also it's worth noting that, just because you are a Witch and you have a pet, it doesn't automatically mean that pet has to be a familiar.  Some people take to magick and some don't, and animals are exactly the same.

But if your particular companion has all the magickal potential of an old candy wrapper, it doesn't mean you should love it any the less!


Dedicating a Familiar

(adapted from a ritual by Aoumiel)

Since this ritual involves an animal, you will be better off not using candles at the Quarters.  You may want to use rocks, gems, or stones around your circle, or nothing at all.  This can be done in conjunction with an Esbat, but it is recommended that it be performed as its own ritual when the Moon waxes halfway to Full.  The animal should be one that has indicated through its behaviour that is is receptive to this kind of connection.  Baby animals should not be dedicated as familiars, but you can always present them to the Divine as creatures in your care.  This could be done with an adaptation of the Wiccaning ritual on my Birth (Wiccaning) page.

The following ritual has been written for my own Patron Deities (Hecate and Cernunnos).  You should either change these references to represent your own Patron Deities or you can simply dedicate to the Lord and Lady.

On your altar, light an incense with a pine or woodsy scent, or burn mugwort herb.

Having the following items on the altar: something to designate the god and the goddess sides of the altar, the incense and burner, matches, small bowl of water, small dish of salt (rock or sea salt), a pentacle, a small cauldron, a brown (or cinnamon) votive candle and container, candle snuffer, anointing oil, knife (athame), wand, a cup or goblet containing juice or wine, some cake or a muffin, and food and water for the animal (the example her will be for a cat).

You will first need to go through the normal stages of preparation and casting the circle, calling the Quarters, etc.  (See Structure of a Spell  if you need help with this).  You are now ready to Dedicate your Familiar!

Dedication of the Familiar

With arms upraised, say:

Lady and Lord, Hecate and Cernunnos, I call out to Thee!  I hold you in honuor and know that I am one with all the things of the Earth and Sky.  My kin are the trees and the herbs of the fields; the animals and stones of the seas and the hills.  The fresh waters and deserts are built out of thee, and I am of you and you are of me.

Lower your arms and gather your animal friend into your arms, and say:

I call upon you to grant my desire.  Let me rejoice in my oneness with all things and let me love the life that emanates from my Lady and my Lord into all things.  I know and accept the creed; that if I do not have that spark of love within me, I will never find it outside myself, for Love is the Law and Love is the Bond!  And this do I honour when I give honour to the Lady and the Lord.

Take a dot of anointing oil onto one finger and touch it on the brow of the cat, and say:

My Lady Hecate and my Lord Cernunnos, I bring before You Both this cat that she/he may be dedicated as my familiar in your honour.  I will defend and protect thy spark within her/him as I would that within me, and I seek they protection and defense of us both.  You are our life and we are of You. So Mote It Be!

Holding the cat gently, say:

Lady Hecate and Lord Cernunnos, you aer the fullness of the earth and the protectors of the animals.  I call upon you to receive the dedication of this cat as my companion in magic and friendship, that we may work together and with you.  This cat, whom I have named _______ (pet's name), seeks a new name from you to serve as my familiar in the Craft.  As my familiar will know me by the name you have given me, so do I now ask that you share with me the name you have given this cat, one that is secret between us.  Tell me, my Lady and my Lord, what is my familiar's name.

Listen quietly, petting and observing your cat, and hear the name from the Lady and the Lord.  Do not be surprised if it is something quite odd.  The names of familiars tend to be strange, and fairly descriptive of the animal by appearance or disposition.  Names like Tom Tit, Hop and Spin, and Hearth Sitter are true witch names for familiars, so listen to what comes to you.

When you hear the name, then hold your cat to face you and say the name to the cat:

You are ______, and together, with the favour of the Lady and the Lord, through the blessings of the Elementals, do we share in the Craft.

Waft some of the incense smoke to the cat.  Dab a bit of the blessed water (from the altar dedication, see Daily Devotions) onto your finger and touch it to the cat and say:

Through Fire and Air, Water and Earth, are you made one with me in the working of my Craft, named by the Lady and Lord, and blessed by the Elementals.  So Mote It Be!

Set the cat down and say:

Great Lady and Great Lord, let my familiar be imbued through your power to aid me in my Craft.

Light the votive candle and say:

Let this small light illuminate the wilderness path to bring harmony and peace, health and companionship, between __________ (familiar's name) and me with the love and blessing of Nature.

You now progress on to the Cakes and Ale portion of your ceremony.  (See Structure of a Spell if you need help with this).  Remember that when you consecrate your own food and wine, you also need to consecrate the food and water/milk for your cat.  When you partake of your own Cakes and Ale, also supply your cat with its own food and water/milk so that it may partake of the meal too.

Thank the Lady and the Lord, Release the Quarters, Close the Circle and place your libation outside (remains of the meal) as a offering.  Let the votive candle burn out.