~Encyclopedia Wicca~



Pagan, Paganism

(from the Latin word "paganus" meaning "a peasant, rustic")
Roman soldiers used the word in the pejorative sense of "hick, yokel, country bumpkin"; and this usage was continued by the early Roman Christians - who were mainly city-dwellers - to refer to everyone who preferred to continue to worship pre-Christian divinities. Hence "Paganism" refers to the worship of Pagan Deities: the Gods and Goddesses of the Old Religions that predate Judaism, Islam, or Christianity. As such, "Paganism" is actually an umbrella term covering a broad family of religions, which may be divided into three broad sub-categories:

1.     survivalist - those whose religious practice has continued unbroken from their ancestors;

2.     revivalist - those whose religious practice attempts to revive that of their ancestors, whether by actual descent or by personal spiritual affinity and inclination;

3.     reconstructionist - those whose religious practice is an adaptation and reinterpretation of what they regard as the best of pre-Christian Pagan religions, adjusted to modern contemporary religious thought.

Palmistry Divination by reading the lines and aspects of the hand.
Pantheon No, we are not talking about a building, but a collection or group of Gods and Goddesses in a particular religious or mythical structure.  Examples are: Greek pantheon, Roman pantheon, Egyptian pantheon, Teutonic pantheon, etc.
Pegomancy Divination by fountains.
Pen of Art A special pen which is reserved only for entries into the Book of Shadows, or for other ritual uses.  This can be an old-fashioned dip-pen or quill-pen, but any writing implement can be assigned to this role.
Pendulum A divinatory device consisting of a string attached to a heavy object, such as a quartz crystal, root or ring. The free end of the string is held in the hand, the elbow steadied against a flat surface , and a question is asked. The movement of the heavy object's swings determines the answer. A rotation indicates yes or positive energy. Aback and forth swing signals the opposite. (There are many methods of deciphering the pendulum's movements; use those that work best for you.) It is a tool which contacts the Psychic Mind.
Pentacle The Elemental Tool of Earth, a round wooden or metal disk usually inscribed with a pentagram, often with other magickal Signs and Symbols specific to a Tradition; also, the wax, paper, or parchment form used as a material basis when making talismans or otherwise invoking or evoking a specific force
Pentagram A pentagram is a star-like, five-pointed figure of ancient origin that is used ceremonially to bless, protect and balance. The five points represent the four elements and the spirit
Personal Power That energy which sustains out bodies. It ultimately originates from the Goddess and the God (or rather, the power behind Them). We first absorb it from our biological mothers within the womb and , later, from food, water, the Moon and Sun and other natural objects. We release personal power during stress, exercise, sex, conception and childbirth. Magic is often a movement of personal power for a specific goal.
Personality The "self" built up in a single incarnation, as a product of both heredity and environment and consisting of the "ego self" or one's own inner sense of identity, and the "persona" or outward personality shown to others; distinguished from one's Individuality, developed over the course of all one's incarnations
Pessomancy Divination by pebbles.
Petitioner The recipient of a spell - the person for whom a spell or ritual is being performed.
Phoenix Egyptian bird that was consumed by fire every 500 years and rose, renewed from the ashes.
Phrenology Divination by bumps on the head.
Physiognomy Divination by the face.
Planetary Days Each day of the year is related to one of the planets, the moon and the sun. Energies differ in accordance with the position of the planets.
Planetary Hours Certain hours of the day correspond to each planet; but traditionally they begin at different times throughout the year and vary in length depending on the season, so people new to magick are advised to work their rituals on the appropriate planetary day, and not be too concerned with the refinement of planetary hours.
Polarity The concept of equal, opposite energies. The Eastern yin/yang is a perfect example. Yin is cold; yang is hot. Other examples of polarity: Goddess/God, night/day, Moon/Sun, birth/death, dark/light, Psychic Mind/Conscious Mind. Universal balance.
Poppet A figurine made of cloth, clay, wax or wood used in magick to represent a specific person.
Postulant A petitioner or candidate for admission into a religious order; the Wiccan rite of Initiation refers to the candidate as a Postulant, which signifies not only that Wicca is a specific Pagan Mystery religion and magickal order, but also that, since Wicca does not proselytize, a candidate must ask to be Initiated into Wicca
Pranayama A series of yogic breathing techniques which are extremely useful in magickal work, as they can alter consciousness, raise power, cleanse the aura,  and more.
Priest Is a male and plays the God role in certain ceremonies. Priestess and Priest are equal in every aspect, the only difference is their gender.
Priestess A female dedicated to both the service of her chosen deity(ies) and humankind. A High Priestess is the feminine leader of a coven or Wiccan organization and plays the role of Goddess in certain ceremonies. A solitary Witch can be a Priestess by dedicating herself to a particular God or Goddess.
Projective Hand The hand that is normally used for manual activities. The hand you favour i.e. right or left handed. It is symbolically thought to be the point at which personal power is sent from the body. In ritual, personal power is visualized as streaming out from the palm or fingers of the hand for various magical goals. This is also the hand in which tools such as the athame and wand are held. Ambidextrous persons simply choose which hand to utilize for this purpose. The hand used for giving gifts.
Protean Family "The Protean Family is made of most of the lineal descendants of Proteus Coven in New York City. The High Priestess of Proteus, Judy Harrow, founded the coven in the Gardnerian practice during the early 1980's. In late 1985, after a series of internal conflicts over some of the changes of practice instituted by Harrow, a body of Gardnerian Elders indicated a desire to disassociate with Proteus and her descendants. In the early 1990's, Harrow declared the Protean Family to be a "self-aware subgroup" of the Gardnerian line. The debates continue, but the Protean Family, whether separate Tradition or merely subgroup, continues to enjoy strong bonds."     (quote from Circle of the Dragon's Weave)
Psychic Awareness The human state in which information from the Psychic Mind is available to the Conscious Mind.
Psychic Mind The subconscious or unconscious mind, in which we sleep, dream and meditate. It is our direct link with the Goddess and God and with the larger, non-physical world around us.
Psychism The act of being consciously psychic, in which the psychic mind and conscious mind are linked and working in harmony. Ritual Consciousness is a form of psychism.
Psychometry Divination by handling an object.
Pyromancy Divination by looking into a fire.