~Encyclopedia Wicca~



Mabon On or around September 21, the autumn equinox, Wiccans celebrate the second harvest. Nature is preparing for winter. Mabon is a vestige of ancient harvest festivals which, in some form or another, were once nearly universal among peoples of the Earth.
Macrocosm The world around us.
Magic, Magick The conscious direction of power, of the proper kind, in the proper manner and in the proper degree, to accomplish the desired result; technically speaking, any conscious act is a magickal act
Magic Circle, The A sphere constructed of Personal Power in which Wiccan rituals are usually enacted. The term refers to the circle that marks the sphere's  penetration of the ground, for it extends both above and below it. It is created through visualization and magick.
Magick Mirror A dark or black mirror in which a magickian may see images with her or his "third eye" or psychic vision; interpretation of these images provides information about distant or likely future events, or insights into the magickian's own nature.
Magickal Systems Can refer to Traditions, denominations, sects, or pantheons.  It is a basic set of guidelines relating to specific Gods and Goddesses or cultural traditions.
Magickal Voice, The That which is used in pronouncing words during a spell.  This is a strong, sure voice, free of doubt and insecurity.  In some cases, the Magickal Voice may also be a forced, powerful whisper.
Margaritomancy Divination by pearls.
Material Basis Item or substance serving as the physical-plane focus, or means of manifestation, such as incense smoke in which shapes can be seen; also, when working for a practical result, the preparations or physical actions one performs to assist in achieving that goal - such as actually looking for a job if one is working for a job or money
May Eve See Beltane
Meditation Meditation is a focused and disciplined form of contemplation or reflecting, whereby one is able to alter an emotional state and to receive self-insight.
Megalith A huge stone monument or structure. Stonehenge is perhaps the best-known example of megalithic construction.
Menhir A standing stone probably lifted by early peoples for religious, spiritual or magical reasons.
Metsanhaltija The Finnish wood nymphs and dryads under the rule of Mielikki, Goddess of the Hunt and of Faerie.
Microcosm The world within us.
Middle Pillar An exercise in which the major chakras are serially illuminated, massaged by intoning names of Deity, and cleansed by running energy through them; also, the middle sephiroth on the Tree of Life in Qabalistic magick.
Midsummer The Summer Solstice, so-called because the Celtic Summer began at Beltane and ended at Hallows
Midwinter The Winter Solstice, so-called because the Celtic Winter began at Hallows and ended at Beltane
Mighty Ones, The Beings, deities or presences often invoked during Wiccan ceremony to witness or guard the rituals. The Mighty Ones are thought to be either spiritually evolved beings, once human, or spiritual entities created by or charged by the Goddess and God to protect the Earth and to watch over the four directions. They are sometimes linked with the Elements.
Moleosophy Divination by moles on the body.
Mommet A doll used in healing ritual to represent a particular female "patient".
Moon Symbol of the Triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone) in the Wiccan faith, and of feminine powers of intuition and magick, and of female physiological cycles which are attuned to Her.
Moon Void of Course An astrological term for the interval when the Moon has left one sign, but not yet made Her first conjunction in the next sign; traditionally, not good times in which to begin ritual work or launch any new project.
Myomancy Divination by observing the movements of mice.