~Encyclopedia Wicca~



Cabala See Qabala
Cakes-and-wine Every meeting of a witches' coven (known also as a "circle" or "esbat"), handfastings, and rites of initiation traditionally end with cakes-and-wine, a sharing of food and drink, and relaxed conversation. The food - often cakes, biscuits or cookies - and the drink - usually wine but occassionally mead, ale, beer or fruit juice - will have been blessed by a high priest or priestess, and is considered an offering to the deities as thanks for the necessities of life. 
Call Invoking Divine forces.
Calling the Quarters Invitations for the spirits of Air, Fire, Water and Earth (from the East, South, West and North) to attend a ritual and lend their powers toward its success.  It is a means of fully engaging the mind, will, emotions and body in the magickal working.
Candlemas Feb. 2nd Sabbat, the Festival of the Waxing Light; the Return of the Goddess from the Underworld, bearing in Her arms the Infant Sun; the Renewal of Virginity of the Goddess (hence, later, the Purification of Mary after childbirth) viewed as the beginning of Spring because the slumbering seeds begin to stir within the womb of the Earth
Candles These are used frequently by some magickians in spells.  The oils they are annointed with and their colours, as well as the shapes and inscriptions carved on them, all have a symbolic purpose.
Capnomancy Divination by smoke.
Cardinal Points The four directions East, South, West, and North, and hence the locations of the Watchtowers of the Four Quarters
Cardinal Signs In astrology, the four Signs of the Zodiac which initiate the Elemental Tides (Aries, Fire; Cancer, Water; Libra, Air; Capricorn, Earth)
Cartomancy Divination by using playing cards.
Casting In various methods of divination, stones, cards, sticks and other objects are cast onto the ground or a special cloth so that an insight into the life patterns can be revealed. 
Casting the circle In ritual, a psychic sphere of energy is cast to focus power and to ward off unwanted influences and distractions. This is known as casting a circle. 
Catoptromancy Divination by using a mirror.
Cauldron A cauldron is a cooking pot used to heat herbal healing preparations for rituals. 
Causal Plane A term sometimes used for the Lower Spiritual sub-plane of the Spiritual Plane
Cense To perfume with incense, either by carrying or swinging the censer, or by passing an object through the incense smoke
Censer The censer is an incense burner.  It can be an ornate brass burner that hangs from chains or something as simple as a small ceramic bowl. It is a tool of Air.
Centering, to Centre To find an internal point of balance.
Ceremonial Magick A style of magick involving rather complex rituals and elaborate tools, apparel and temple decorations; usually refers to the Western system of magick exemplified by the Order of the Golden Dawn.
Ceromancy Divination by molten wax dropped into water.
Chakras Seven major energy vortexes found in the human body. Each is usually associated with a color.
Chalice A cup or goblet, the Elemental Tool of Water
Channeling This is a New-Age practice wherein you allow a disincarnate entity to "borrow" your body to speak to others either through automatic writing or verbally.  Channeling does not have a very good track record simply because it is difficult to prove and the information imparted is usually not about things that can be "tested".  Subjects normally involve distant prophecy, what the after-life is like, the structure of other dimensions, words of wisdom that everybody really needs to know before it is too late, etc.  Channeling is the new buzz-word for mediumship.  The best known and most accurate medium within our present century was the late Edgar Cayce.  Most book stores still carry some of his material and it is well worth your time to read.  Channeling is not the same as contacting the dead for information or help.
Chanting Chanting is the harmonious vocalization of key words, names and phrases that are used in ritual to attune oneself, raise energy, celebrate success and to become centred. 
Charcoal Often incense is burned on a charcoal briquet, placed in a thurible or on a stone.  Self-igniting charcoal discs are sold in occult supply stores and are very convenient to use.
Charge In witchcraft, to charge is to intentionally empower ritual tools with energy. 
Charge, The Originally written in modern form by Doreen Valiente, it is a story of the message from the Goddess to her children.
Charm Spoken or chanted words of magickal intent; such words written or inscribed; an object magickally charged for a particular intent
Cheiromancy Divination by the hands.
Chord An invisible line of force extending from one being or object to another, through which they influence one another; all things are connected by energy chords, but major chords have a powerful effect and their understanding and use is a key part of magick.
Cingulum A Witch's magickal Cord, especially if worn as a belt or girdle
Circle A sphere created by a Witch, constructed of energy.  Sacred space.
Clacking Divination by 'clacking' two stones together.
Clairaudience Divination by hearing things inaudible normally.
Clairvoyance Divination by "second sight".
Cleansing The act of removing any negative energy, vibrations or images from an object or place by utilizing positive, psychic energy.
Cledonomancy Divination by chance remarks or events.
Cone of Power Magickal energy raised from the body, and channelled from Nature and the Universe, collected and concentrated within the Magick Circle
Conjure To summon; to solemnly charge or command; loosely, to work magick
Consecration To consecrate is to solemnly dedicate or devote something or someone to a sacred purpose, to cleanse and protect. 
Contacts Forces or entities with whom magickal links are established; especially, the forces or entities, and magickal current, from which a group draws its power to initiate, thus "to be contacted" means to be linked to a particular magickal current
Conscious Mind The analytical, materially-based, rational half of our consciousness. The mind at work when we compute our taxes, theorize or struggle with ideas.
Consecration The act of blessing an object or place by instilling it with positive energy
Cord A "cord" can be either a heavy string used in binding and releasing magick or it can refer to the piece of apparel circling the magickian's waist (also called a "girdle" or "cingulum"),  In many covens and magickal lodges, the colour of the cord indicates the wearer's degree of attainment.
Corn Dolly A figure, often human-shaped, created by plaiting dried wheat or grains. It represented the fertility of the Earth and used in Wicca. Corn dollies aren't made from cobs or husks; corn originally referred to any grain other than maize and still does in most English speaking countries.
Coscinomancy Divination by sieve and shears.
Coven A coven is a congregation of witches who gather regularly to celebrate their faith and to work together to perform magic rituals. The size of each coven varies, and one must be an initiate.
Covendom Traditionally, the area one league (three miles) in all directions from the Covenstead, from which the Coven members are drawn, and defining the boundaries between Covens; in modern practice, the area defined by the dwelling places of the members of a Coven - which may well overlap with another Covendom, especially of a different Tradition
Covenstead The place where the Coven regularly meets, usually the home of the High Priestess and/or High Priest
Cowan Outsider, non-initiate; especially for an intruder or unfriendly outsider
Craft, the The Magickal Arts and practices of Traditional Witchcraft; those who belong to the Craft, who practice the Craft and its Arts [Masons also refer to Masonry as "the Craft"]
Crescent A lunar symbol popular with many Wiccans and other magickians; the Moon Goddess rules magick and symbolizes the powers of women.  In many traditions of witchcraft, the High Priestess wears a silver crescent on her tiara or headband.
Crystal Ball See Showstone.
Crystallomancy Divination by a crystal.
Cup, the The Chalice, a cup or goblet, the Elemental Tool of Water
Curse A conscious direction of negative energy toward a person, place or thing.  Contrary to popular belief, curses are rare and usually have no effect.  Also known as psychic attack.